
The Epsilon Delta Chapter

Epsilon Delta was colonized in September of 1983 and officially became the Epsilon Delta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi on October 18, 1986, after three long years of hard work and perseverance by our founding fathers. The three Colonizers of the Epsilon Delta Chapter are George Fred Muggee and Frank Chen of the University of California Irvine and Evan Dankberg of Arizona State University. The six founding members of the Alpha Pledge Class were Craig Randall Park, Stephen Mathew McCallon, Jeffrey Scott Mastin, Kevin Dale Russell, Dean Bedard, and Duane Bedard.

In the chapter's 35 years of establishment, transition and growth have been essential, but after a rebuilding initiative that began in February 2007, the chapter is now stronger than ever. For many years, Epsilon Delta has demonstrated its excellence by leading the Cal Poly Greek community in grade-point-average, athletic participation, and community involvement. Our recruitment has made great strides over the last couple of recruitment periods and we are now one of the fastest-growing chapters on Cal Poly's campus reaching close to 100 active members.

The Beta Theta Pi Fraternity

At nine o'clock in the evening of the eighth day of the eighth month of the year 1839... 

Eight earnest, young men all students at Miami University, held the first meeting of Beta Theta Pi in the hall of the Union Literary Society, an upper room in the old college building known as "Old Main." 

Beta Theta Pi has become the sixth fraternity in order of founding and the first to originate west of the Allegheny Mountains.  There is more significance of this fact than may appear.  Beta Theta Pi, originating on the frontier, was in every sense a pioneer fraternity, with the enthusiasm, courage, hope, foresight, and determination so characteristic of this untouched region.  As the history of the Greek movement developed, Beta Theta Pi was the first fraternity to adopt a truly national point of view with a determination to be adequately represented in all sections of the U.S. and ultimately, now, through Canada as well.

Among the top 20% of college fraternities in size, Beta Theta Pi was also the first fraternity to locate a chapter west of the Mississippi River. Today, Beta has some 140 chapters and colonies in Canada and the United States.

While brotherhood serves as the cornerstone of Beta Theta Pi, this lasting bond of friendship is cultivated by being a part of a group of individuals who share the same goals and values, constantly supporting each other in the pursuit of social, moral, and cultural excellence.  Founder John Reilly Knox described us as, "What a few men who are united in common purpose and effort are determined to do, can be done. More than that, such associations teach us just how far human friendships can carry us."

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1327 E Foothill Blvd
San Luis Obispo, California 93405

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Official Website of Beta Theta Pi - Cal Poly